The Virtue of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Holy Occurrences _ A Holy Scene That Manifested in a Photograph

The Virtue of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Holy Occurrences _ A Holy Scene That Manifested in a Photograph
In response to the request of Dorje Chang Buddha III’s students, His Holiness’s photographs have been added to the category of Technological Art. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said, “I do not have any photographs that I have taken. Give me a camera and in only one day I will have them.” The Buddha Master then exited his place of solitary retreat. His Holiness quickly led more than ten people up a mountain ridge. The clicking sound of His Holiness’s camera could be heard capturing the scene of an ancient stratified cliff that resembled a fortress.
During the time His Holiness was taking photographs, extraordinary phenomena appeared. The sky was like a square mirror that reflected on the cliff in the photo area. Behind the mountain, blue light was being emitted from the earth. From a distance, these two scenes acted in coordination with each other. This sharp contrast of light caused the left mountain ridge to become pitch black. However, where there was light, the light was dazzling and extremely wonderful. The fact that there was such a magnificent and a holy site in this photograph shows the greatness of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s Buddha-dharma. We who accompanied His Holiness were deeply moved by this and felt an obligation to tell people of the world what actually happened. Therefore, we came to a true consensus that we would take a vow of truth in order to confirm that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s holy virtue moves and inspires.
The text of the vow is as follows. “This photograph was truly taken by the Buddha Master after His Holiness ascended the mountain ridge accompanied by us. His Holiness casually took a couple of photos as His Holiness stood before this holy mountain scene. There has been no computer modification of this photo. It is the original photograph. If what we have just stated is in any way false, we are willing to receive karmic retribution and not attain liberation. If what we have just stated is completely factual, may the good fortune of all living beings increase, and may they experience good luck and happiness.”
The disciples who together made the above vow have personally signed their names in the Chinese section.
The sky was totally clear for miles on end that day. When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was photographing scenery, a heavenly window above suddenly opened. From that heavenly window, an extremely strong beam of light in the shape of a square shined upon the place where H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III stood. At this time, the strong light from the sun became dark in contrast. A square blue light arose from the mountaintop shining upon both sides of the mountain. This was truly miraculous. Although all of this happened in an instant, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III used his camera to capture this holy sight. The sky then returned to its original open, clear, cloudless condition.
This is a photograph of that same mountain scene that a disciple took at that time from a lower and farther place.
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