H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III _ Teas

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III _ Teas
The tea Bi Yu Chun was rated the highest-grade tea in China. That tea is one of the products of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata that is based on His Holiness’s wisdom and mastery of the Five Vidyas. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has developed the ancient, traditional techniques of producing tea to a level of perfection, resulting in the creation of this superior quality green tea.
When discussing the creation of teas by His Holiness, we should first mention what happened when two people formally became disciples of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Two people who operated a tea factory came to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to formally recognize His Holiness as their Master. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III asked them what they wanted to learn. They said, “Of course, we have come here to learn the Buddha-dharma. We operate a tea factory, but we cannot learn the craft of making teas here.” H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III replied, “There is everything here. I will first teach you how to make tea.” Within three days, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III invented the world’s highest grade tea. His Holiness taught those two disciples how to make that tea. However, everyone should understand that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had never made any teas prior to that time. There is nothing that a Buddha cannot do. Precisely because of this, His Holiness was able to create with ease a top-grade world-famous tea.
The tea Bi Yu Chun has a unique flavor and a refined quality. The tealeaves are compact and delicate, retain their original fuzz, and have the color and luster of green jade. This tea has the pure aroma of chicken broth or roasted chestnuts. It is pleasantly refreshing and maintains its rich flavor for a long time. The tea is translucent, showing a lustrous green like that of green jade and can be compared to a mountain spring. Long after you taste it, you will ponder its delightful flavor.
A competition to select the best Chinese teas took place in June of 1989. Bi Yu Chun and Chinese teas such as Shi Feng Long Jing, Dong Ting Bi Luo Chun, and Jun Shan Yin Zhen were all under consideration in the selection process. In accordance with the conventional rules of evaluating teas, an evaluation committee composed of tea experts evaluated the “eight main factors” and the “two main characteristics relating to appearance.” Bi Yu Chun received 101points, which is beyond all grades, making it the top Chinese tea. The experts acclaimed Bi Yu Chun for remedying the three shortcomings of Chinese green tea: not being green enough; having a bitter, astringent taste; and inability to withstand the steeping process well. Based on this alone, Bi Yu Chun has surpassed the highest world standards in the production of tea. Thus, Bi Yu Chun is praised as being the foremost of all Chinese teas.
On August 23, 1989, an evaluation meeting was convened in Beijing to evaluate Bi Yu Chun. Chinese tea experts and famous people from all walks of life participated in that meeting. That evaluation resulted in Bi Yu Chun being extolled as a rare treasure in the world. More than seventy news media reported this. The Beijing news channel broadcast that meeting live. The central television station reported the Bi Yu Chun evaluation meeting as a news item and stated that Bi Yu Chun is the premier tea. Bi Yu Chun thereby shocked the entire country of China, and it became famous abroad as well. It was selected as the representative tea of China at the International Tea Culture Exchange Convention held in Japan. The evaluation committees of the sixty-sixth and sixty-seventh International Trading Conventions categorized Bi Yu Chun as a tea that should be offered to honored guests.
Not long after that, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III casually dipped into His limitless wisdom to develop a type oolong tea called Ba Wang Chun. It is a half-fermented tea with a unique flavor. It combines the fragrances of tea, coffee, and chestnuts. Its taste has the positive qualities of tea and coffee. It is rich yet simple, with a delightful fragrance. Drinking this tea can bring about loss of weight with no loss of energy. It has a refreshing, mind-clearing effect. Tea experts have acclaimed it as being the king of oolong teas, and it has become famous around the world!
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was not attached to the huge successes of both Bi Yu Chun and Ba Wang Chun. For no compensation whatsoever, His Holiness disclosed the secret production technology to those two lay disciples, both of whom worked at the Chengdu Changcheng Health Care Products Factory. His Holiness also prohibited them from revealing that His Holiness was the one who disclosed such tea technology to them. What is even more laudable is that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III did not want one cent of the profits. His Holiness’s only request was that they use part of the profits to take care of elderly people who live alone and children who are deprived of an education due to financial difficulties. Having no other choice, those two disciples used the name Dharma Master Shi Xing as the inventor of those products to show their appreciation for the teachings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Shakyamuni Buddha.
How many people in this world truly do not care about fame and gain? Can a person like H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III be found anywhere in the world? It would be good if even one person like His Holiness could be found. However, such a person cannot be found. Words are inadequate to describe the holy virtue and magnificence of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. How could even a great Bodhisattva possess the limitless omniscience that His Holiness possesses? Such real life examples of indifference to fame and gain enable us to see the enlightenment of a true Buddha!
(Left) Bi Yu Chun is known as the foremost of Chinese famous teas. (Right) Tea experts praised Ba Wang Chun as the best of all Oolong teas.
Our company is a famous professional health care product company. “Xiongli Yufayi” (formerly called Fa Bi Sheng), the frostbite liquid “Yici Ling” (also known as Xiongli Fang Dong Yi), the green tea “Bi Yu Chun,” and the Wulong tea “Ba Wang Chun” are produced by our company.
“Xiongli Yufayi” is a health care product that helps hair regrow. It was the first hair growing product ever examined and approved by the Chinese Health Ministry. It was approved in 1989.
The frostbite liquid “Yici Ling” is a powerful medicine that can cure and prevent frostbite. It has relieved many patients’ pain.
The green tea “Bi Yu Chun” is the highest quality tea among Chinese famous teas. It won the unprecedented score of one hundred and one points at the Chinese Famous Tea Contest. It not only was designated as the tea for honored guests at the 67th International Trading Convention, but also was selected as the representative tea of China at the International Tea Culture Exchange Conference sponsored by Japan.
“Ba Wang Chun” is the type of Oolong tea that is semi-fermented. It has a unique taste. The tea is strong and rich. It is praised as the king of Oolong teas.
The above products were invented and developed by Master Wan Ko Yee. However, he does not have the desire to obtain fame and wealth from them. Without expecting any reward, he handed over to us the right to manufacture these products, which are beneficial to mankind. For more than ten years, the Master has not received any share of the profits from those products, nor has he allowed us to publicize that he has invented and contributed the products. His only request is to devote a share of the profits to support old people in aged care facilities and needy children who cannot get an education due to poverty. Therefore, we asked the Master, “How are we going to introduce the inventor of those products?” The Master replied, “I am a Buddhist. These products belong to Buddhism.” Since the Master did not agree to use his name, we have considered this matter for a long time. We understand that Buddhism was established by Sakyamuni Buddha and to become enlightened and realize our original nature is the goal for all Buddhists. Thus, we decided to use “Dharma Master Shi Xing” as the inventor of the products.
Today, we disclose the secret to make everyone understand that the Master is selfless, always cares for others, and silently contributes to mankind. This kind of noble morality is a role model for us to emulate. The Master is our supreme holy teacher!
(Seal) Chengdu Changcheng Health Care Products Company Xinfan Branch
January 10, 2006
Address: Chengdu Xinfan
Tel: Xinfan380442
Telegram: Xinfan4918
Newspapers for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III invented the world’s highest grade tea
Link of this Article: https://truebuddhas.org/en/teas/